Pastor Matt Cox
First Reading -Jonah 3:10--4:11 Psalm - 145:1-8 Second Reading - Philippians 1:21-30 Gospel Lesson - Matthew 20:1-16 Message - Pastor Matt Cox Music Prelude - Linda Hoch, Piano "As Saints of Old" - arr. Marilyn Biery Linda Hoch-piano "Sinfonia" from Abdelazer Suite - Grace Ringers Bell Choir - Henry Purcell/arr. Valerie W. Stephenson Gathering Hymn - "As Saints of Old" Hymn of the Day -"Salvation Unto Us Has Come" Special Music "Turn My Heart to You" - Nancy Raabe Nick Cosgrove - Tenor, Jeff Daubenmire - Piano Sending Hymn - "Rise Up, O Saints of God!" Postlude - Linda Hoch - Organ "Salvation Unto Us Has Come" - arr. Richard Proulx Reprinted / podcast/ streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-713298. All rights reserved Pastor Matt Cox
First Reading -Genesis 50:15-21 Psalm - 103:1-13 Second Reading - Romans 14:1-12 Gospel Lesson - Matthew 18:21-35 Message - Pastor Matt Cox Music Prelude - Linda Hoch, Piano "Take My Life" - arr. Jay Rouse "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" - arr. Rachel Trelstad Porter Gathering Hymn - "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" Hymn of the Day -"Take My Life, That I May Be" Special Music “It Is Well with My Soul”-arr. John Ness Beck Grace Singers Chancel Choir Sending Hymn - "Lord of All Hopefulness" Postlude - Linda Hoch - Piano "Gigue" - George Frideric Handel Reprinted / podcast/ streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-713298. All rights reserved Pastor Matt Cox
First Reading -Ezekiel 33:7-11 Psalm - 119:33–40 Second Reading - Romans 13:8-14 Gospel Lesson - Matthew 18:15-20 Message - Pastor Matt Cox Music Prelude - Linda Hoch, Piano "Great God, Your Love Has Called Us" - arr. Gregory Hamilton "Earth and All Stars" - arr. Anne Marie David Gathering Hymn - "Earth and All Stars" Hymn of the Day -"Great God, Your Love Has Called Us" Special Music Nick Cosgrove - Vocal Solo, Jeff Daubenmire - Piano “My Heart Is Steadfast” by Robin Cain, arr. Kadidlo Sending Hymn - "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" Postlude - Linda Hoch - Piano "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" - arr. Edward Broughton Reprinted / podcast/ streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-713298. All rights reserved Molly King
First Reading -Jeremiah 15:15-21 Psalm - 26:1-8 Second Reading - Romans 12:9-21 Gospel Lesson - Matthew 16:21-28 Message - Molly King, Commissioned Lay Minister Music - Linda Hoch, Organist Prelude "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" - arr. Joyce Jones "Will You Come and Follow Me" - arr. David Maxwell Gathering Hymn - "Lift High the Cross" Hymn of the Day -"Will You Come and Follow Me" Special Music "Grace" - arr. Mark Hayes Ben Lucas - Vocal Solo, Jeff Daubenmire - Piano Sending Hymn - "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" Postlude - Linda Hoch - Organ "Fanfare on Lift High the Cross" - arr. Jeffrey Honore Reprinted / podcast/ streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-713298. All rights reserved |
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100 E Schrock Road Westerville, OH 43081 Office Hours: 9am to 3:00pm M-Th 9am to noon Fri p. (614) 882-3026 e. [email protected] |
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